Green Gemstone – Give Yourself the Green Light
It’s a shade associated with new beginnings and nature. It represents life and riches. Words like lime, olive, pea, and sage dream up an unlimited array of colours. We’re talking about the colour green, of course, and there’s no nicer way to incorporate it into your daily routine than with a gleaming stone on your ring finger. Thankfully, there are as many colours of green gems as there are ways to convey them, thanks to nature. So, let’s dive right in and learn more about green gemstone rings.
The Classic Emerald
It has become synonymous with a wonderfully rich, deep, somewhat bluey-green colour. The emerald has been treasured as the ruler of the green jewels throughout history. An emerald was among the 4 valuable stones granted to King Solomon by Lord, as per the Bible. The Incas idolized emeralds at the time of the Spanish invasion, and the Emerald Buddha is Thailand’s most revered religious symbol today.
The Unexpected Green Sapphire
The rare green sapphire symbolises tranquillity and has become a favourite option among gem collectors searching for something unique. With a Mohs hardness rating of 9, you may enjoy a stone with the endurance of a sapphire but in a stunning green shade. Teal sapphires, which are magnetically stunning, are still relatively unknown on the market, but many experts feel they might be the next big thing among gemstone collectors.
About Tsavorite
Tsavorite was found in 1967 and rapidly became a popular gemstone among collectors. It was named after the Tsavo Game Reserve in Kenya, by Harry Platt (of Tiffany & Co). With its startling pure green colours and high level of brightness, he dubbed it the “Rolls-Royce of the Green.”
Tsavorites are the most costly garnet presently available. The amount of intensity and purity of the colour, like with most stones, has a significant impact on the price. These top-tier tsavorites might be hard to come by, but at RatnaBhagya, we offer a superb assortment of the best stones in a range of settings tailored to bring out their best features.
The Many Faces of Green Tourmaline
Tourmalines occur in a variety of hues, but most people connect them with green. These stones are so beautiful that they have been confused for other jewels many times throughout history.
A stunning tourmaline is a must-have for every gem collector’s collection, and RatnaBhagya has an excellent assortment in a variety of green tints to tantalise you.
Green gemstones come in practically every colour imaginable, which is a tribute to nature’s beauty. If you prefer moss, malachite, or shamrock greens, RatnaBhagya has a wide selection. They come in a variety of sizes and pricing ranges. So, whether you’re looking for a statement cocktail ring, a timeless engagement ring, or something more modest for everyday wear, we’ve got you covered. Contact our professionals now to see how we can help you incorporate some of this vibrant colour into your life.