Gemstones are expensive because they are uncommon, valuable, and attractive. They’re worn as jewellery and for astrological purposes. However, owing to a lack of knowledge, one may wind up purchasing synthetic (fake) or treated (non-pure) gemstones.
Because of the high value, growing demand, and scarcity of gemstones, unscrupulous sellers can supply the market with synthetic and treated stones. And, due to the customer’s lack of knowledge, they end up purchasing a fake gemstone for the same price as a genuine one.
Is There A Diy Test To Determine Whether A Gemstone Is Genuine Or Fake?
- There is no viable DIY test to distinguish genuine gemstones from imitations. There are several publications on the internet that advise similar exams.
Some of these publications even advise illogical tests such as “soaking the gemstone overnight in milk and assessing genuineness if the colour of the milk changes,” and so on. The majority of these erroneous tests that appear in random articles are myths. These tests are just meant to mislead clients.
As a result, testing a gemstone necessitates a complex laboratory setup. To determine the gemstone’s legitimacy, many characteristics are verified.
When buying a Original gemstone, what should you look for?
Gemstones are frequently marketed by their local trade name, which causes a lot of misunderstanding. Sunela, for example, is a generic brand name for Topaz and Citrine. Topaz and citrine have a similar appearance, however, they are separate stones with different prices. As a result, it is preferable to refer to a gemstone by its scientific name rather than its local commercial name, as this might lead to the purchase of the incorrect gemstones due to sheer misunderstanding.
Almost every natural gemstones now has a synthetic equivalent. The majority of gemstones have been created in a laboratory under controlled conditions by man. A natural gemstone takes a few million years to form under uncontrolled natural circumstances, whereas a manufactured gemstone takes only a few hours. Natural and synthetic gemstones share the same physical, visual, and chemical qualities. Synthetic stones, on the other hand, have no energy or mystical properties.
To improve their beauty, gemstones are frequently treated (colour, clarity, texture, finish and optical phenomenon). This important information is frequently concealed from customers in order to obtain a higher charge for treated stones.
Best place to purchase original Gemstones?
When purchasing a gemstone, always request a report from a reputable laboratory. Before purchasing any gemstone, you should speak with a certified gemologist. A gemologist is a gemstone expert who can distinguish natural and manufactured jewels. RatnaBhagya is owned and operated by gemstones professionals who thoroughly inspect all gemstones before selling them to consumers.
RatnaBhagya exclusively sells natural, untreated gemstones that have been lab-verified. The purchaser is provided with all pertinent information on the gemstones.