The Symbolism of Ruby Gemstone
There are various beneficial gemstones, yet none of them can be termed Supreme. Ruby has been known as the “King of Gemstones.” The ruby gemstone is known for its powerful symbolism. Let us go into the depths of its significance and analyze it closely.
Power of protection
There are many precious gemstones, though every gemstone can’t be considered the Supreme one. Ruby has acquired the title “King of Gemstones” since ancient times. Ruby is known for its overpowering symbolism. Let’s get into the depth of its unbeatable symbolism and explore it extensively.
Blood red colour of Ruby
The blood-like colour of Ruby inspired strong associations with the life-giving elements. People who sacrificed their lives for the gemstone were said to have a special relationship with it. Ruby is the stone for soldiers according to ancient Burmese. They believed it provided them with toughness. Wearing it on the left hand was considered insufficient. People who had rubies surgically inserted into their skin would be eligible for this reward.
Inner glow of rubies
The inner glow of the ruby shows that it has a fire in it. This visual effect may have given rise to several bizarre stories. People think that a ruby gemstone is so firry that it may cause water to boil when it is placed in it. Even though the wrapped layers, the gleam of a ruby gemstone or ruby jewel may be seen.
Gender roles
Ruby gemstones of all varieties have similar features and provide the same benefits. These gemstones help in controlling bad thoughts, dispersing rage, and also help in settling down arguments, along with their protective properties. Ruby with a darker tint is considered masculine and whereas with lighter shade of ruby is considered feminine.
Kalpa tree and Ruby
The ruby gemstone is often known as the king of precious stones, and by Hindus, it is considered more valuable than other gemstones. The Mani Mala describes the Kalpa Tree as being entirely composed of costly stones, as a symbolic tribute to the Hindu gods. The sapphires, diamonds, topazes, emeralds, and other stones that make up this magnificent tree will yield rubies as fruit.
Success with Ruby
The ruby gemstone has a long and illustrious history, which makes reference to its magical nature. Ruby owners have been proud of their possession of this gemstone due to its rare and incomparable benefits. Ruby is the gemstone to adorn if one wishes to boost their prosperity, dazzle the competition, and safeguard from danger.
Ruby is a unique gemstone, and its hidden meanings are quite fascinating. A gemstone may be worn by anybody, but understanding its history adds to its significance. Buy this powerful gemstone from a genuine and 100% authentic source like RatnaBhagya and see your ruby gemstone in a new light after learning about these fascinating facts by yourself.
RatnaBhagya provides top premium quality gemstones. Each stone is unheated and natural and will satisfy you without fail. RatnaBhagya provides a purity verification certificate that is gemstone is 100% pure.